Good Boy, Gone Too Soon

Good Boy, Gone Too Soon
  • By Grant Holmes
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  • Mozzi unexpectedly crossed the Rainbow Bridge the morning of October 17, 2022. Mozzi was a huge ball of energy and love. He always wanted whatever treat he could have. As a Great Dane he would hover over the counter tops and tables. Always got us with his big ice blue eyes. Loved car rides especially if he could stick his head out the moon roof, ice cream (doggie ice cream), snuggles, laying in our daughter’s bed, and invading our personal space. He would follow us every where and scare the pizza delivery guys with his loud deep bark, when all he wanted was a slice. He loved running around the back yard and playing with everyone. He was always so gentle with our youngest and cautious of everywhere she was. Would lay on the floor and watch everyone. He loved laying in front of the oven while cinnamon rolls, dinner, or even his favorite homemade dog biscuits were baking, especially in the winter to stay warm. He would let everyone lay on him and hug him and squeeze him. He loved to “talk back” when he was told “No” like he was bargaining or making a point. He also loved meeting everyone he came across on walks.
    Mozzi was the poster dog for “Gentle Giant” he will be so greatly missed, however the memories and paw prints he leaves behind will last forever.
    Definitely a good boy, gone too soon.

    Lindsey Flack