Pre-Planning for Pet Cremation

We understand that no one likes the thought of losing their pet companion. It is a day we all hope will never come and certainly a difficult truth to face.  Planning the final care for your pet is hard but it becomes even harder when that time is upon us.

  • Pre-planning pet cremation allows you and your family much needed time to grieve and memorialize the life of your pet without the stress of making tough final care choices.
  • Although cremation is significantly more affordable than burial, cremation may sometimes be an unexpected expense. Pre-planning not only secures current rates but Eternal Paws Pet Cremation also offers reduced rates for pet families who choose to pre-plan.
  • Pre-planning pet cremation also allows for careful and thorough research of all available aftercare options.
  • Please call us during our business hours 10am-6pm M-F and 11am-3pm on Saturday to make your appointment to come in person or talk with an aftercare specialist.